unpublished/unagented writers
I have two services for never-before-published authors without agents: developmental edits and copyedits. I ask that you send me a 10-page sample of your work (double spaced, size 12 font), which I will edit for free so you can get a feel for my work and I can get a feel for yours. I will then tell you if a developmental edit is required or if your writing is at the stage where a copyedit will be enough to suit your individual goal, whether that's self-publishing or querying agents or imprint editors. (If you still decide to opt for a developmental edit, that's perfectly acceptable to me as well.)
Some unpublished and unagented writers will qualify for my lower rates for previously published and agented authors because their manuscripts indicate a higher level of experience. I'll be able to tell you if your work qualifies for the lower prices after seeing a sample.
Developmental Editing
I will read your manuscript in its entirety, paying close attention to developmental issues that may be present in my opinion. I will provide you with an editorial letter afterward addressing issues such as plot inconsistencies, achieving a compelling climax, and characterization. I may offer some suggestions for clarifying awkward or confusing wording in addition to fixing grammatical errors. If you’re stuck and haven’t finished a manuscript, submit what you have and I can help you brainstorm with my editorial letter.
Novellas, short stories and novels: .015¢ per word
(For example, a 75,000-word novel would cost $1125)
I will read your manuscript thoroughly and correct grammatical errors and misused words. I will also highlight any awkward or unclear phrasing while offering my suggestions for improvement or asking you to elaborate. I will not address most plot or structural issues with this level of reading. You must have finished a draft to qualify for this service.
Novellas, short stories, and novels: .01¢ per word
(For example, a 75,000-word novel would cost $750)
Published and/or Agented Authors
I have two services for previously published (including indie and self-published) authors or authors who've had or currently have agents: developmental edits and copyedits. If you'd like, you may send a 10-page sample of your work (double spaced, size 12 font), which I will edit for free so you can get a feel for my work. Since you're an experienced author, I will let you decide whether a developmental edit or copyedit better suits your goals and budget. I've worked both with self-published authors shortly before publication and agented authors who want a cleaner draft to show their agents before the submission process.
Developmental Editing
I will read your manuscript in its entirety, paying close attention to developmental issues that may be present in my opinion. I will provide you with an editorial letter afterward addressing issues such as plot inconsistencies, achieving a compelling climax, and characterization. I may offer some suggestions for clarifying awkward or confusing wording in addition to fixing grammatical errors. If you’re stuck and haven’t finished a manuscript, submit what you have and I can help you brainstorm with my editorial letter.
Novellas, short stories, and novels: .009¢ per word
(For example, a 75,000-word novel would cost $670)
I will read your manuscript thoroughly and correct grammatical errors and misused words. I will also highlight any awkward or unclear phrasing, while offering my suggestions for improvement or asking you to elaborate. I will not address most plot or structural issues with this level of reading. You must have finished a draft to qualify for this service.
Novellas, short stories, and novels: .007¢ per word
(For example, a 75,000-word novel would cost $525)